So we have this really cute 3 year old boy that really keeps us on our toes. He has done some crazy things lately that people say we should write about it and one day we will look back on and laugh about it. Since the girls went back to school and both of them are full day Jackson has been a BIG time mommas boy. Well Friday we went to our friends little girls birthday party. As we were getting ready to go Jackson was way excited that we were going to a party. His attitude changed once we got there and there were a bunch of people there that he didn't know. He was very shy and didn't want anything to do with anyone but mom.
As the party went on he warmed up a little and started playing with the balloons. There was a booth at the party that they were putting fun little hair extensions in the girls hair and Morgan really wanted to get one so we walked across the room to get it done. I checked on Jackson and he was still happy playing with the balloons. I looked again and Jackson was gone.
After Morgans hair was done we searched everywhere in the church and he was no where to be found so we went outside. The lights were flashing on the van like the alarm had gone off. One of the doors doesn't always lock so it can still be opened. We think that he went to the van and opened the door and when the alarm started going off it scared him and he ran. I then went into a panic I called Justin at school and my mom at a football game to come help. People from the party stopped what they were doing to help us look for him. I thought that there was a chance that he went over to the school or towards my parents house cause he knows where that it. So I took off running to the school while on the phone with the police. My adrenaline was crazy, i'm out of shape running, looking for Jackson while trying to answer questions not an easy task.
A friend picked me up and we ran to our house to make sure he didn't go home. As I was getting back in the truck I got another phone call (had about 15 within 5 mins from Justin and my mom) it was from a friend that lived behind us. The cops had picked him up and he pointed out their house so they took him there to find out if they knew anything.
As soon as we got to their house the cops told me that he was running down the middle of 2nd east and some strangers tried to get him on the sidewalks and called the police and that was when he was picked up. If any of you know the intersection of 2nd east and Kensington know that it can be busy at times. Jackson managed to get across the street and run down the street without getting hurt.
Now that he is home and safe we feel that he had someone watching over him and protecting him. I am grateful for our friends that left their daughters party, friends that dropped what they were doing on Friday night and got their cars, bikes or walked, for strangers caring enough to help him. I am grateful for the local cops, most importantly I am grateful for answered prayers.
Father's Day
11 years ago
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